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S-M-A-R-T Cleaner is designed to work on any floor and can safely, and easily, move from one flooring type to another. With the 2 on-board camera's the system can adjust and adapt to the environment that it encounters.

If you have a delicate rug on the floor, and want to use extra care on this rug then after the mapping is performed, simply instruct the cleaner to reduce the vacuum on it via the computer mapping module (though during training this is performed automatically). You have complete control of what your cleaner does, and how much vacuum to use in any area it is to clean.


Our cleaner is capable of mapping out every room it encounters, and when the mapping is complete you just need to name the area. When you wish to clean just that room, simply instruct the tool to clean that room and off it goes.

Businesses, we have thought of you as well. With our tool, you can map your working area and when you need it simply instruct it to do its job. With the business package, you have more control over what your cleaner will do for your company. It will clean hallways and cubical areas just like any room.


Cell: +1 214-609-7920

Best of all, because the tool maps the cleaning area out room by room there is no guess work as to whether it will clean a given area. All room information, including objects, are stored in FLASH memory and ensures the tool can clean quicker and more efficiently. If you move something, that's fine as the tool will update its room map to reflect this so that the next time it runs in that room, it will have an updated map.

If you wish to partition your room so that it will clean just a certain area, then this is a simple task. Lay the training strip on the floor (included), block off the section, and start the room training. Once the room is mapped, you can remove the floor strip and the system will remain within the area you have trained.

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